I’d say I’m fairly aware of the value of my health … how it’s the basis of everything else in my life: the ability to move, spend time with friends, spend time with family – literally, everything else. But still, watching people grapple with COVID has made it far more vivid to me: you either stay healthy, or live at increased risk … and literally every food choice I make is either moving me towards health, or away from it.
Leave it to Emerson (below) to say it in words WAY better than I can! But I can say it in food 🙂 … the bean salad below is a mix of everything I had sitting in my pantry/fridge: white beans, garbanzo beans, limas, black beans, corn, carrots, green beans, diced asparagus, riced cauliflower, red peppers, diced tiny cherry tomatoes … tossed with a simple tarragon vinaigrette and topped with half an avocado. We enjoyed it for two days!
Stay healthy, safe, and strong through this Covid crisis, and beyond – Jennifer